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The Flavors of the Forest

Itinerary no. 9


    Itinerary divisible in two parts:

    • Departure: Montorio al Vomano (TE)
      Crognaleto (TE)
      Length: km 35,4
    • Departure: Teramo
      Ceppo (TE)
      Length: km 37,3

    The two itineraries join together after having crossed a 5-km-long stretch of the State Street 80

    Optional connection from Montorio al Vomano (TE) with the itinerary no. 9 or with the itinerary no. 7, or from Teramo with the itinerary no. 6

    The Flavors of the Forest
    The Flavors of the Forest
    (photo by Archivio Ente Parco)

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    The Flavors of the Forest
    The Flavors of the Forest
    (photo by Archivio Ente Parco)
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