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Junket is one of the most ancient kinds of cheese, already known in the Middle Ages and handed down till present times. Until a recent past, shepherds used to eat junket for breakfast, when it was still warm, tasty, and rich in energy.
Current Production Area in the Park: Its production involves the whole territory of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park.
A traditional product of Regione Abruzzo, junket is a green cheese with a snow-white color, a creamy texture, acidulous taste and smell characteristic of the green curd. It is mainly made with sheep's milk, but also with cow's or goat's milk, preferably from two milking processes. The junket has been named after the small rush mold where the curd was put to let the exceeding whey drop out. It should be eaten within a few days from its production, since its high content in water does not allow a long preservation time.
Product Availability: Junket is for sale all year round, although its production is today limited to some holdings.