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Solina Wheat

Its presence in Abruzzi is witnessed by historical documents dating back to the 16th century. Solina wheat is a common wheat characteristic of the Abruzzi mountains that has been cultivated until present times despite its not very high yields for the particular taste and perfume it gives to bread, pasta, and pastry produced with it. Still today, in the inland of Abruzzi, when you talk about wheat, you talk about Solina. Several proverbs witness the deep link existing between this variety and the life of the local people, like "Solina is the mother of every kind of wheat".

Current Production Area in the Park: It is a wheat variety preserved in the Province of L'Aquila within Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park, in many areas characterized by a marginal agriculture.

Solina wheat is a traditional agricultural product of Regione Abruzzo. It is a very rustic wheat resisting to harsh temperatures, adapting also to not very fertile lands, and particularly suitable for organic farming. It is characterized by a constant but limited production; it produces very big caryopses from which a flour to make bread is obtained.

Product Availability: Solina wheat has a mainly winter habit, with autumn sowing and harvesting between July and August. The production is relatively limited, but it is for sale all year round.

Solina Wheat
Solina Wheat
(photo by Archivio Ente Parco)
Solina Wheat
Solina Wheat
(photo by Archivio Ente Parco)
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